If you are like me, I have very little energy and motivation in the morning. So, breakfast often becomes a list of options that are semi-healthy but fast and easy. But now those options have run their course and I have begun the search for better breakfast options. And in that search I have stumbled across some very unnerving information. The list of "do not eat" is much longer than the list of "eat." And on top of that, I found an article claiming that boxed cereal is not considered food.

Yes, it is true. Boxed cereal is beginning to be considered by some not to be food, but a food product. This wonderful staple that I have turned to in my mornings of madness has betrayed me. I thought that I was feeding my children "whole grains" and "organic" cereal. But alas, it is not true. According to the article by SimplyBeingWell.com cereal's processing strips it and actually damages the proteins. The proteins that naturally would be healthy for us, then becomes toxic. And most cereals, organic or not, contain sugar. And if you go the conventional route, we have all heard the risks of the dyes and high fructose corn syrup that they load into the cereal.
So, now what am I to do? My search was not going the way I had planned. But finally I came across an article at TheDailyGreen.com talking about some great tips for some healthy breakfast ideas. So, here they are broken down in an easy-to-use list.
1. Fruit - Good old fruit. Healthy and full of nutrients. It is also a great way to curb those morning sugar urges/addictions.
2. Yogurt parfaits or smoothies - the best is that both of these are fast and can be eaten on the run if you have to. And there are lots of combination possibilities with flavors and textures.
3. Bake your own breakfast bars - this is my new goal to try. I will be on the search for some great recipes to share, and please share if you have found some of your own.
4. Eggs - Simple. Eggs are one of natures superfoods. You can't give your kids a better source of protein to start their day other than a good ol' egg.
5. Breakfast sandwich - redefine your thinking on the sandwich. Natural peanut butter, honey, and whole wheat toast is a great healthy option.
6. Oat porridge - there is a recipe on the link to the simplybeingwell.com for this. It is supposed to be a great option for children and infants. You soak the oats and it helps to take the strain off of their digestive system. The longer you soak them, the less the strain. This one takes a little more planning ahead, but is a great option for younger children.
So, whether you are rushing your little ones to daycare, or you are wrangling them at home for the day, I hope that this list of "to eat" options helps to manage your morning madness. Or at least makes the breakfast options a little healthier and easy to manage.
I would love to hear any healthy morning food ideas that your family has found! Please share. My mornings need all the help they can get! :)
We make a double batch of whole wheat pancakes every week. I follow the regular Betty Crocker recipe and use the King Arthur White Wheat flour and replace the oil with apple sauce.
Once cooled, these freeze really well. We just grab one or two in the morning and pop it in the toaster to thaw. Then we add berries, peanut butter, or bananas to the top and breakfast is done!
Ohh, Ohh, this is my favorite! I've been making homemade granola for years. Here's the link to my recipe on F&J:
My kids LOVE it, and I love that I get to choose every ingredient. I have found a 10oz bag of trail mix at Aldi, that I'll sometimes just dump right into the bowl before I bake it. My kids don't care for the nuts though, so sometimes I make it without and just pour a handful on my own bowl.
Parfaits, smoothies, and muffins are the most common at my house. I generally make some healthy muffins the night before so they're ready to go in the am. And everything I've made from this website has been at hit at my house! especially the blueberry oatmeal bread and the blueberry bran muffins!
We need help with this in a MAJOR way!
Today I ate cereal and Mt Dew for Breakfast! Mama needs her caffeine man!
thanks for some great ideas! : )
Sunday morning I bake a huge breakfast but most of it is for the week... we freeze waffles and pop them in the toaster like egos, before bed I put some Oatmeal (plain) in the crock pot on love with a cup of friut juice (get the good stuff) and some apples or blue berries, its done by morning and it goes stright into bowl and is gobbled up! My kids love eggs so while the oven is heating to 400 I toss 10 eggs and hand full of lunch meat some bell pepers and some cheese in a muffin pan and cook it for 10 mins.. hand held fritatas on your way out the door (We are also smooth enthusiest!)
on low*
We in Italy we eat milk and cookies for breakfast!!! :)
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