We have had several "Snow Days" already this January, and there seem to be more on the way. I am running out of ideas for keeping my children happily entertained while we are all stuck at home together. Does anyone have any creative "Snow Day" ideas to share?
I like to build forts! It makes a big mess but it is so fun!
I also like to stay in PJs all day too! : )
We like to bring snow into our house and put it in the sink or bathtub. Then we build a snowman or whatever standing around in our PJs.
we start to pull out a many summer toys out of the garage that we can find a purpose for. we had a lawn-chair lounge in the middle of the yard. we built snow castles with buckets from the beach. we played a mild version of dodge ball with a couple big soft balls. I have heard a couple of people coloring water and painting the snow. Good luck! snow days are fun, when you have one or two a year! :)
I love all these ideas! I think I will try some of them out on Friday. We are supposed to have another snow day. I think my kids would love to play with snow in the bath tub!
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
The snow in the tub is great when you have kids still potty training... it seems like as soon as you're done bundling and ready to go out is when someone has got to go.
Totally! Happens every time!!
We tend to play with shaving cream for hours on "hurricane days" - no snow for us Floridians!
one of my favorite things we did on an "it's too dang cold to go anywhere" day was to clear off and vacuum the kitchen floor (including all furniture), spray pledge all over, and go "skating" in our socks. It was awesome. Slippery enough to spin and twirl and slide, but warm enough that we didn't care when we fell down. And yes, everyone fell down at least once.
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