I used to laugh. A lot. In fact, I would laugh until I cried. Once I even laughed so hard that I peed my pants. Nowadays, if I am crying it is not because I think something is funny. It probably means I am either totally sleep-deprived or pms-ing. And if I have peed my pants, it is because I sneezed (just not the same down there since popping out three bambinos. Too much information? So sorry! I also used to be modest.).
I used to like balloons. I mean, who doesn't like balloons? ME!! I hate them. Really. One always pops before we even get it home, causing massive amounts of tears and wailing. Then my children fight like cats and dogs over the ones that actually do make it home. Not to mention the fact that they shrivel up overnight and in the morning, voilĂ ... a choking hazard. Did I mention that I HATE balloons? See, I told you...no fun!
I used to be spontaneous. Able to leave for the weekend on a whim. Now I need at least a week's notice for any kind of "trip"...to catch up on laundry, get everyone packed, leave detailed instructions, and think of everything that could possibly go wrong so that I can prepare for plan B, C, D, and E. And then instead of being excited, I end up so exhausted from all the preparations that I find myself thinking, "Maybe it would have been better to just stay home". Like I said, NO FUN!!
Every once in a while, my fun-side will make an appearance. Like this week when I was carving out snow tunnels with my kids. We made several snow tunnels in the mountain of snow at the end of our driveway. And we were totally into it. We made them interconnecting with escape hatches and secret passages. And while we were climbing through our creations, my son looked at me and said, "Mom, you are the most FUN mom ever!" Ahhh! A Hallmark moment!
And I thought to myself, "Why can't I always be like this? The MOST FUN MOM."
And then I remembered that someone has to make sure that they eat their vegetables, and that everyone has clean underwear, and that no one pokes their eye out. I mean, losing an eyeball would really not be fun.
Being "FUN" is nice and all, but let's face it with malnourishment, nakedness, and blindness on the line...Motherhood is actually very serious business!
I love this post. It is oh so true. I was just telling my hubby the other day that I'm absolutely no fun anymore :)
Couldn't agree more with this post. Keep them coming... It's good to know that I'm not the only one who deals with these issues.
Or... how about when you go somewhere fun like the beach and everyone ends up fighting and crying and you end up screaming "We are here to have FUN! Now, go and have some FUN right NOW!!!" I some times wonder if I am the only person that can make the beach NOT FUN...
But it is also good to remember that kids like stability, safety and comfort- which are not always fun but are good!
Great post!
I love this post! It is so true! There are so many things that are "supposed" to be fun, but end up being a catastrophe! I can't count the amount of games that have ended up in time-outs in the corner. :)
Hi my honeys...you are all amazingly "Fun" women...your blogs are "Fun"...and you are so right...YOU make your kids life fun! You may not feel the fun yet..but you will know later that it was soooo fun really and those sweet babies will remain the most fun people you will ever know in your life! Really! Love all you fun girls...Your "Fun" Auntie Jill
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